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Below is a collection of sample Frink programs. Another good source for common tasks can be found at Rosetta Code's Frink page.
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(zipfile was last modified AD 2025-02-11 PM 06:59:29.551 (Tue) Mountain Standard Time)
allFactors | [text] | Calculates all factors of a number (not just prime factors.) |
ArbitraryPrecision | [text] | Calculates some functions (e.g. log and exp) to arbitrary precision. |
baseball | [text] | Calculates trajectory of a baseball. |
bert | [text] | Calculates the probability of two first names appearing in the same movie. |
binarySearch | [text] | Routines for binary-searching an ordered list. |
bitcoin | [text] | Obtain current Bitcoin exchange rates. |
bitwiseXOR | [text] | Calculates a bitwise XOR function for arbitrarily-large numbers. |
ChineseNumbers | [text] | Formats integers into their Chinese equivalents (formal and casual) |
classtest | [text] | A sample of object-oriented programming; demonstrates writing and using a class specification. |
closestFraction | [text] | Routines for finding the closest fraction to a number. Also see continuedFraction.frink . |
commonTransformations | [text] | Demonstrates Frink's ability to perform symbolic calculations, including solving equations and taking derivatives. |
compound | [text] | Routines for calculating masses of chemical compounds. |
continuedFraction | [text] | Routines for generating continued fraction representations of numbers. |
ConvexHull | [text] | Calculates (and optionally plots) the convex hull of a set of points. |
CoordinateConversions | [text] | Converts latitude and longitude to and from UTM coordinates. |
Country | [text] | Contains polygons for the outlines for all of the countries in the world. |
Datum | [text] | A data structure used to represent the ellipsoidal shape of the earth, used in various navigation routines. |
daylight | [text] | Calculates duration of daylight over the course of a year. |
derivatives | [text] | Transformation rules for finding derivatives of expressions. |
DiscreteDistribution | [text] | Allows you to randomly choose items based on a specified probability distribution. |
e | [text] | Calculates the digits of e, the base of the natural logarithm, to arbitrary precision. |
elements | [text] | A basic periodic table of the elements. |
exectest | [text] | Demonstrates starting external processes using Frink's ability to call Java code. |
Fourier | [text] | Routines for discrete and fast Fourier transforms (FFT) of data. |
geometry | [text] | Functions for planar geometry. |
hints | [text] | Provides hints and help for common errors in Frink calculations. |
holeearthfullgradient | [text] | Calculates time to fall through a hole in the center of the earth with realistic model of densities. |
holeearthgradient | [text] | Calculates time to fall through a hole in the center of the earth with overly-simplistic model of densities. |
holeearthuniform | [text] | Calculates time to fall through a hole in the center of the earth with naïve uniform density model. |
homonyms | [text] | Finds homophones of words. |
HTMLUtils | [text] | Utilities for processing HTML. |
JacobiSymbol | [text] | Functions for calculating the Jacobi symbol and Legendre symbol. |
JVMinfo | [text] | Displays the properties of your Java Virtual Machine. Demonstrates use of Java Introspection. |
LogIntegral | [text] | Calculates the logarithmic integral Li[x]. |
lottery | [text] | Routines for calculating lottery odds. |
LucasLehmer | [text] | Implements the Lucas-Lehmer test for proving primality of Mersenne primes. |
Maidenhead | [text] | Converts between lat/long and Maidenhead coordinates. |
mandelbrot | [text] | Draws a Mandelbrot set in plain text. |
mandelbrotGraphics | [text] | Draws a Mandelbrot set as graphics. |
mithengecorridor | [text] | Data for the Infinite Corridor at MIT. |
mithengemoon | [text] | Calculates moon alignments with MIT's Infinite Corridor. |
mithengesun | [text] | Calculates sun alignments in MIT's Infinite Corridor. |
navigation | [text] | A library of high-precision calculations for navigating on the earth. |
note | [text] | Functions for converting frequencies to musical notes. |
palindromicNumbers | [text] | Finds palindromic numbers by the "reverse and add" method. |
pi2 | [text] | Calculates π to arbitrary precision. |
planets | [text] | A library to calculate the positions of the the planets to high accuracy using the VSOP87 theory. |
pollardP-1 | [text] | An implementation of the Pollard p-1 factoring algorithm. |
Processes | [text] | Contains functions for launching external processes from Frink. |
quine | [text] | A program that prints its own source. |
randomDistribution | [text] | Randomly selects elements from a discrete set with a known distribution. |
relativity | [text] | Functions for various relativistic equations, including black holes and relativistic rockets. |
RiemannZeta | [text] | Calculates values of the Riemann Zeta function. |
root | [text] | Finds roots of numbers to arbitrary precision. |
siderealtime | [text] | Calculates Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time. |
sieve | [text] | Sieve of Eratosthenes to find prime numbers. |
simplegraph | [text] | An simple but interesting program that uses interval arithmetic to plot equations. |
solve | [text] | A simple program that solves a variety of algebraic equations. |
solvingTransformations | [text] | A library of transformation rules to solve algebraic equations. |
StandardAtmosphere | [text] | A class which implements the U.S. Standard Atmosphere of 1976. This allows calculation of pressure, temperature, air density, speed of sound, etc. at varying altitudes. |
StandardAtmosphereTest | [text] | Contains examples of doing standard atmosphere calculations. |
statistics | [text] | Functions for statistics including the forward and inverse error function, the normal distribution, etc. |
stellarMagnitude | [text] | Functions for converting between stellar magnitudes, power fluxes, and total power emitted. |
stock | [text] | Fetches stock prices from the internet. |
sun | [text] | A massive library of astronomical calculations to find positions of the sun, moon, and other calculations. |
sunplot | [text] | Creates data to plot the location of the sun for an entire year. |
sunrise | [text] | Calculates times of sunrise, sunset, and twilights. |
timezonediff | [text] | Calculates the difference between two time zones. |
trigram | [text] | Program to find the most frequent n-letter patterns in words. |
water | [text] | Calculates properties of water and steam to high accuracy using the IAPWS-95 model. |
waterVapor | [text] | Calculates the absolute and relative humidity and partial vapor pressure of water. |
webspider | [text] | Simple program to find all of the links in an HTML page. |
wheelgame3 | [text] | Simulator to find optimum play for the big-wheel-spinnin' "Showcase Showdown" game on The Price Is Right |
WilliamsPPlus1 | [text] | Factorization using the Williams p+1 factorization method. |
xmldump | [text] | Demonstrates dumping units in an XML format. |
ziplocator | [text] | Locates latitude and longitude of U.S. zip codes (requires data file) |
Descriptions of the following programs will be added later:
Alan Eliasen was born 20266 days, 20 hours, 15 minutes ago.
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