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// Torture test for UTM to lat-long conversions.
use CoordinateConversions.frink
biggest = 0
errorsum = 0
samples = 1000
for n = 1 to samples
lat = randomFloat[-80,72] degrees
long = randomFloat[-180,180] degrees
[x,y] = LatLongToUTM[lat,long,Datum.WGS84]
[lat1,long1] = UTMToLatLong[x,y,LatLongToUTMZone[lat,long],Datum.WGS84]
error = sqrt[(lat1-lat)^2 + (long1-long)^2]
errorsum = errorsum + error
if (error > biggest)
biggest = error
// println[error earthradius]
println["Largest error: " + biggest earthradius]
average = errorsum/samples
println["Average error: " + average earthradius]
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