
Download or view ChineseMarch.frink in plain text format

// Program to test the e-mail claim:
// "If the population of China walked past you, 8 abreast, the line would never
// end because of the rate of reproduction.

// China's birth rate for 2007, taken from:  
birthrate = 13.45 / 1000 / year

//println[(1/birthrate) -> years]

// China population estimate, June 2007
pop = 1_321_851_888

// Number of people marching abreast
numAbreast = 8

// Marching speed.  This is taken from an estimate of my walking speed. (About
// 3.4 mph, reduced for marching.)
speed = 2 mph

// Distance between rows.
distance = 5 feet

// Distance marched per year
distPerYear = year * speed

// Linear density of people 
density = numAbreast / distance

// Number of people that march by per unit time
personvelocity = density * speed

println[personvelocity + " people walk by in a second."]
println[(personvelocity * year -> "million") + " people walk by in a year."]

timestep = 1 week
time = 0 s

remaining = pop

   println[format[time, years, 2] + "\t" + format[pop,1,0] + "\t" + format[remaining,1,0]]
   time = time + timestep
   remaining = remaining - (personvelocity * timestep)

   // Change "pop" to "remaining" in the equation below if only people who
   // *haven't* marched by yet are eligible to add new kids to the line.
   born = pop * birthrate * timestep

   pop = pop + born
   remaining = remaining + born
} while remaining > 0

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Alan Eliasen was born 20065 days, 7 hours, 22 minutes ago.