Download or view thermocouple2.frink in plain text format
/** This designs a thermocouple holder for my sous vide controller for 3-D
printing. */
width = 1.1 inch
height = 1.2 inch
depth = .5 inch
potInnerRadius = 23.4 cm / 2
thickness = 3.4 mm
potOuterRadius = potInnerRadius + thickness
cutDepth = .3 in
res = 254 / inch
v = newJava["", [round[-width res/2], round[width res], round[-depth res/2], round[depth res], 0, round[height res], true]]
// The outer surface of the cut cylinder
c1 = newJava["", [round[-width res/2], round[width res], round[-depth res/2], round[depth res], 0, round[height res], false]]
c1.drawCylinder[0, round[-potOuterRadius res], round[height res], 0, round[-potOuterRadius res], round[(height-cutDepth) res], round[potOuterRadius res]]
// Inner surface of cut cylinder
c2 = newJava["", [round[-width res/2], round[width res], round[-depth res/2], round[depth res], 0, round[height res], false]]
c2.drawCylinder[0, round[-potOuterRadius res], round[height res], 0, round[-potOuterRadius res], round[(height-cutDepth) res], round[potInnerRadius res]]
c1.translate[0, round[thickness/2 res], 0]
// This is a tool that will carve out the channels for the thermocouple
brush = v.makeCappedCylinder[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, round[.8 in res], 4.3 mm res/2]
// The "straight through" channel
//v.removeAlongLine[brush, 0, round[depth/2 res], 0, 0, round[-depth/2 res], round[.1 in res], 0, 0, round[4.3 mm res/2]]
v.removeAlongLine[brush, 0, round[depth/2 res], 0, round[.7 * -width/2 res], round[-depth/2 res], round[.1 in res], 0, 0, round[4.3 mm res/2]]
v.removeAlongLine[brush, 0, round[depth/2 res], 0, round[.7 * width/2 res], round[-depth/2 res], round[.1 in res], 0, 0, round[4.3 mm res/2]]
w = new Writer["thermocouple2sides.obj"]
w.println[v.toObjFormat["test", 1/(res mm)]]
Download or view thermocouple2.frink in plain text format
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Alan Eliasen was born 20115 days, 7 hours, 24 minutes ago.