Download or view GEBCube2.frink in plain text format
/** This makes a cube that projects a different silhouette
along 3 axes, and renders it in Waveform .obj format for 3-D printing.
This version can take text for each axis. (They can
be different sizes; this resizes them to 200x200 pixels.) The white
parts will be "cut out" of the cube.
// Y axis
gr = new graphics
//gr.font["FreeSans Bold", 10]
gr.font["Cantarell Extra Bold", 10]
//gr.rotate[-90 deg]
i1 = new image[gr, 400, 400].autocrop[]
i1 = i1.resize[200,200]
[w1, h1] = i1.getSize[]
v = newJava["", [w1,h1,h1,true]]
for x=0 to w1-1
for y=0 to h1-1
[r,g,b] = i1.getPixel[x,y]
if (r+g+b) > 2.9
// Z axis
gr = new graphics
gr.font["FreeSans Bold", 10]
gr.rotate[90 deg]
i2 = new image[gr, 400, 400].autocrop[]
i2 = i2.resize[200,200]
[w1, h1] = i2.getSize[]
for x=0 to w1-1
for y=0 to h1-1
[r,g,b] = i2.getPixel[x,y]
if (r+g+b) > 2.9
// X axis
gr = new graphics
//gr.font["Cantarell Extra Bold", 10]
gr.font["FreeSans Bold", 10]
gr.rotate[0 deg]
i3 = new image[gr, 400, 400].autocrop[]
i3 = i3.resize[200,200]
[w1, h1] = i3.getSize[]
for x=0 to w1-1
for y=0 to h1-1
[r,g,b] = i3.getPixel[x,y]
if (r+g+b) > 2.9
Download or view GEBCube2.frink in plain text format
This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink
Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.
Alan Eliasen was born 20115 days, 6 hours, 57 minutes ago.