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// Exhaustive and inefficient test to check isPrime, but one that
// doesn't require memory proportional to the largest number checked.
a = eval[input["Start from [2]: ", 2]]
highest = 2^31 - 1;
for n = a to highest
if n % 50000 == 0 // Print progress every 50000 digits
if isPrimeByDivision[n] != isPrime[n] // Test against internal routine
println["Error! $n"];
// Function to exhaustively test if a number is prime by trial division.
// It checks all intergers up to the square root of the number to
// be tested.
isPrimeByDivision[n] :=
for i = 2 to floor[sqrt[n]]
if (n mod i == 0)
return false
return true
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Alan Eliasen was born 20266 days, 19 hours, 14 minutes ago.