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// Sign conventions (to coincide with Meeus)
// North = +1
// South = -1
// West = +1
// East = -1
// This function returns [latitude, longitude] based on zip code (passed in
// as a string)
zipToLatLong[zip, FSPRoot=""] :=
if FSPRoot
fileroot = "///$FSPRoot"
fileroot = "fsp"
for [line] lines["file:$fileroot/neighbors/zipnov99.txt"]
if [zipLine, lat, long] = line =~ %r/^(\d{5})\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)/
if zipLine == zip
return eval["[$lat degree, -($long) degree]"] // W is neg in file
// [lat, long] = zipToLatLong["80303"]
// println["Latitude: " + (lat -> degrees)]
// println["Longitude: " + (long -> degrees)]
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Alan Eliasen was born 20117 days, 23 hours, 22 minutes ago.