
Download or view YentzenPuzzle.frink in plain text format

/* A sequence of natural numbers is determined by the following formula,
A[n+1] = a[n] + f(n) Where f(n) is the product of digits in a[n]. Is
there an a[1] such that the above sequence is unbounded? */

for n = 175 million to billion
   a = n
   smallest = a
      lasta = a
      a = a + product[integerDigits[a]]
      print["$a "]
   } while a > smallest and a > lasta

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This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.

Alan Eliasen was born 20065 days, 2 hours, 49 minutes ago.