Download or view MonthWithoutAFullMoon.frink in plain text format
// A program to disprove the e-mail that says,
// "February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full
// moon."
// For a month to have no full moon, the illuminated fraction has to be
// decreasing at the beginning of the month and increasing at the end of
// the month. This will only work in February because a lunar month is
// 29.5305555 days.
use sun.frink
timezone = "UTC"
// Start with the first February after the Gregorian calendar was adopted
// (which was October 15, 1582)
for year = 1583 to 2020
start = parseDate["$year-02-01 00:00 $timezone"]
end = parseDate["$year-03-01 00:00 $timezone"]
if moonIlluminatedFraction[start] > moonIlluminatedFraction[start + 1 s] and moonIlluminatedFraction[end - 1 s] < moonIlluminatedFraction[end]
print["$year "]
// Find the actual date of the full moon in February 1865.
fullMoon1865 = fullMoon[#February 1, 1865#]
println["A full moon actually occurred that month on $fullMoon1865"]
Download or view MonthWithoutAFullMoon.frink in plain text format
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Alan Eliasen was born 20266 days, 19 hours, 2 minutes ago.