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// Functions for taking roots of a number using Newton's method to arbitrary
// precision using the root[] function.
// This function also performs integer and rational exponents to arbitrary
// precision using its pow[] function.
// These methods shouldn't be used if you're already working with imprecise
// floating-point numbers.
// Newton's method converges quadratically if you have a good guess.
// It can be horribly slow if you don't start with a good guess.
// This uses a few tricks:
// * Uses floating-point math (when possible) for a good initial guess.
// * Dynamically increases the working precision as estimates get better.
// Convenience function to do square root to current working precision.
sqrt[n] := sqrt[n, getPrecision[]]
// Convenience method for sqrt.
sqrt[n, digits, debug=false] := root[n, 2, digits, debug]
// Convenience function to do power to current working precision.
pow[n, p] := pow[n, p, getPrecision[]]
// Arbitrary-precision power
pow[n, p, digits, debug=false] :=sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
if debug
println["Entering pow $n $p $digits"]
if p == 0
return 1
origPrec = getPrecision[]
return root[n, 1/p, digits, debug]
// Convenience function to do root to current working precision.
root[n, p] := root[n, p, getPrecision[]]
// General arbitrary-precision root finder
// n is the number, p is the root (e.g. 2 for square root, 3 for cube root)
root[n, p, digits, debug=false] :=
if debug
println["in root[$n, $p]"]
if p == 1
return n
if p == 0
return 1
if p < 0
origPrec = getPrecision[]
return 1/root[n, -p]
alter = false
if n<0
if p == 2
factor = i
n = negate[n]
} else
if p mod 2 == 1 // Negative base, odd power
alter = true
factor = -1
n = negate[n] // Negative base, even power
} else
println["Arbitrary-precision root cannot produce complex numbers. Arguments were root[$n, $p, $digits]"]
return undef
origPrec = getPrecision[]
// Handle exact rational numbers
if isRational[p]
prec = getPrecision[]
// TODO: This needs to use arbitary-precision powers!
// We can't apparently replace it with call to pow[] because
// the stack never terminates.
retval = root[n, numerator[p], digits, debug]^denominator[p]
if alter
retval = retval * factor
return retval
prec = getPrecision[]
err = 10.^-(ceil[digits]+1)
// Initial guess
if (n<1e+308 and n>1e-323)
x = n^(1/p) // Use floating-point if we can for guess
err = err * x / 10.
scale = approxLog2[x] / 3.219 // Approx. log 10
} else
x = 2.^(approxLog2[n]/p) // Dumb guess; could use introot function below
err = err * x
scale = approxLog2[x] / 3.219 // Approx. log 10
if scale == 0
scale = 1
if (debug)
println["First guess: $x"]
println["Err is: $err"]
println["Scale is: $scale"]
newWorkingPrecision = ceil[min[30,digits+3]]
if newWorkingPrecision < 30
newWorkingPrecision = 30
workingPrecision = 15
diff = abs[x]
scaledErr = abs[err*scale]
while (workingPrecision < digits+p) || (abs[diff] > scaledErr)
workingPrecision = newWorkingPrecision
if debug
println["precision is $workingPrecision"]
oldx = x
if p==2
x = (x + n / x) / 2
diff = oldx - x
} else
// TODO: This needs to use arbitary-precision powers!
// We can't apparently replace it with call to pow[] because
// the stack never terminates.
errterm = (x^p - n)/ (p x^(p-1))
x = x - errterm
diff = errterm
if debug
println["x is $x"]
println["diff is $diff"]
// This slightly more than doubles working digits.
if diff == 0
goodDigits = workingPrecision * 2
if debug
println["approxLog2 is " + approxLog2[abs[diff]]]
goodDigits = -approxLog2[abs[diff]]/3.219+scale
if debug
println["Good digits: $goodDigits"]
if (goodDigits < 30)
goodDigits = 30
newWorkingPrecision = min[ceil[digits+p+1], ceil[goodDigits*2.1]]
if (debug)
println["Final diff is $diff"]
if alter
retval = factor * x
} else
retval = x
return retval
// Inverse square root. 1/sqrt[n].
inverseSquareRoot[n, digits, debug=false] :=
alter = false
if n<0
factor = i
n = -n
origPrec = getPrecision[]
prec = getPrecision[]
err = 10.^-(ceil[digits]+1)
// Initial guess
if (n<1e+308 and n>1e-323)
x = 1/(n^(1/2)) // Use floating-point if we can for guess
err = err * x / 10.
scale = approxLog2[x] / 3.219 // Approx. log 10
} else
x = 1/(2.^(approxLog2[n]/2))// Dumb guess; could use introot function below
err = err * x
scale = approxLog2[x] / 3.219 // Approx. log 10
if scale == 0
scale = 1
if (debug)
println["First guess: $x"]
println["Err is: $err"]
println["Scale is: $scale"]
newWorkingPrecision = ceil[min[30,digits+3]]
if newWorkingPrecision < 30
newWorkingPrecision = 30
workingPrecision = 15
diff = abs[x]
scaledErr = abs[err*scale]
while (workingPrecision < digits+2) || (diff > scaledErr)
workingPrecision = newWorkingPrecision
if debug
println["precision is $workingPrecision"]
oldx = x
diff = 1 - n * x^2
x = x + diff * x/2
if debug
println["x is $x"]
println["diff is $diff"]
// This slightly more than doubles working digits.
if diff == 0
goodDigits = workingPrecision * 2
goodDigits = -approxLog2[abs[diff]]/3.219+scale
if debug
println["Good digits: $goodDigits"]
if (goodDigits < 30)
goodDigits = 30
newWorkingPrecision = min[ceil[digits+3], ceil[goodDigits*1.8]]
if (debug)
println["Final diff is $diff"]
if alter
retval = factor * x
} else
retval = x
return retval
// Integer square root--returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the
// to the square root of n.
// This is Exercise 5.7 in Bressoud with my own modifications for better
// initial guess.
introot[n] :=
a = 2^((bitLength[n]+1) div 2)
//a = 2^((ceil[approxLog2[n]+1]) div 2)
b = a - 1
while b<a
// println["$a $b"]
a = b
b = (a*a + n) div (2*a)
return a
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Alan Eliasen was born 20266 days, 19 hours, 52 minutes ago.