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// Program to try and hack the fake MD5 hash in the Heroes website:
// The fake value from function checkThisl(form). The designers of this site
// are bloody clever. It's odd that they chose a hash that was so close
// to the real hash, though. It's the only reason I succeeded in my earlier
// break. Of course, this can't be a real hash because there's an "s" in
// what are supposed to be hexadecimal digits.
primac = "f90ad64d3e6fc85b784c2b11595c1sa0"
// The *real* value from function checkThis1(form) hidden cleverly
// in _common.js. The weird thing is that the fake value gives such a close
// hash code that let me break in in the first place.
// Bloody clever by the designers. They could have made it harder on me by
// choosing a fake hash that's really far away.
// This one is actually hashed *twice*.
primac = "133946763392c2f3896f7fd6c4e00747";
// The wordlist files are part of the Moby wordlist project, available at:
files = ["file://///home/eliasen/prog/mobydict/mwords/singlewords.txt",
suffixes = ["", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "s", "es"]
println["Processing numbers"]
for n = 1 to 1000000
line = "$n"
h = messageDigest[messageDigest[line, "MD5"], "MD5"]
left = substrLen[h, 0, 10]
e = editDistance[h, primac]
if e < 20
for suffix1 = suffixes
for suffix2 = suffixes
suffix = "$suffix1$suffix2"
println["Trying suffix $suffix"]
// Load in the wordfiles
for file = files
// println["Processing $file"]
for line = lines[file]
// The real crack runs MD5 twice. Damn ass clever!
h = messageDigest[messageDigest["$line$suffix", "MD5"], "MD5"]
e = editDistance[h, primac]
if e < 19
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Alan Eliasen was born 20235 days, 22 hours, 58 minutes ago.