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/** Calculates the Bernoulli numbers.
Also maybe see:
"A multimodular algorithm for computing Bernoulli numbers":
which is annoying even in its simplest "pseudocode".
BernoulliNumber[n] :=
a = new array
for m = 0 to n
a@m = 1/(m+1)
for j = m to 1 step -1
a@(j-1) = j * (a@(j-1) - a@j)
return a@0
/** This is the code for Rosetta Code problem "Bernoulli Numbers":
result = new array
for n=0 to 60
b = BernoulliNumber[n]
if b != 0
[num,den] = numeratorDenominator[b]
result.push[[n, num, "/", den]]
println[formatTable[result, "right"]]
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Alan Eliasen was born 20117 days, 23 hours, 4 minutes ago.