
Download or view FontWidthEstimatorBuilder.frink in plain text format

// This program builds character width tables for use in estimating
// the length of a given string.  It is used to build the
// tables.

bi = newJava["java.awt.image.BufferedImage", [100, 100, staticJava["java.awt.image.BufferedImage", "TYPE_INT_ARGB"]]]
g2 = bi.createGraphics[]
frc = g2.getFontRenderContext[]

fontnames = ["Serif", "SansSerif"] //, "Monospaced"]
rep = 40

min = 0
max = 0x1400

sum = new array
maxA = new array
for i=min to max
   sum@i = 0
   maxA@i = 0

for fn = fontnames
   for size = 5 to 40
      f = newJava["java.awt.Font", [fn, 3, size]]
      for c = min to max
         str = repeat[char[c], rep]
         rect = f.getStringBounds[str, frc]
         width = rect.width
         normalized = width / size / rep
         sum@c = sum@c + normalized
         if normalized > maxA@c
            maxA@c = normalized
//         println[char[c] + "\t" + normalized]

for i = min to max
   print[format[maxA@i,1,4]+ "f /* \\u" + padLeft[hex[i], 4, "0"]]
   if i>=32 and i<=127
      print[" " + char[i]]
   print[" */
, "]
   if (i % 3 == 2)

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This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.

Alan Eliasen was born 20065 days, 2 hours, 56 minutes ago.