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/** This generates a model of the moon for 3-D printing.
It requires data files from NASA:
Specifically the 1440x720 16-bit unsigned int TIFF displacement file
renamed here to "moonhalfmeter.tif". You can also use larger files but
you'll have to scale them down by setting the "rescale" parameter below.
Use the solver
res = 254 / in // Resolution of the model in voxels/inch (0.1 mm)
resample = 1 // This is the factor to scale down a very large image. Use 1
// to use full resolution. Use 2 to sample every other pixel.
img = new image["file:moonhalfmeter.tif"]
[width, height] = img.getSize[]
hmax = 0
hmin = 255
for x = 0 to width-1
for y = 0 to height-1
h = img.getPixelGrayInt[x,y]
if h < hmin
hmin = h
if h > hmax
hmax = h
println["hmin is $hmin, hmax is $hmax"]
// exaggeration factor of vertical scale
exaggeration = 10
/* According to the page, the unsigned int tiff files are in units of half-
meters, relative to a radius of 1727400 m. */
filebaseradius = 1727400 m
moonMeanRadius = 1737.4 km // LRO reference sphere
maxMoonRadius = filebaseradius + hmax * 1/2 m * (2^16 / 256) * exaggeration
minMoonRadius = filebaseradius + hmin * 1/2 m * (2^16 / 256) * exaggeration
scaledWidth = floor[width/resample]
scaledHeight = floor[height/resample]
r = scaledWidth / (2 pi res)
println["r = $r"]
scale = r / maxMoonRadius
println["scale = $scale"]
println["r res = " + (r res)]
v = callJava["", "construct", [-r res, r res, -r res, r res, -r res, r res, false]]
baseRadius = ceil[minMoonRadius scale res]
println["minMoonRadius scale res = " + baseRadius ]
baseSphere = callJava["", "makeSphere", [baseRadius]]
// Make a 1-pixel tool
tool = newJava["", [1,1,1,true]]
for x = 0 to (width-1) step resample
sx = x / resample
long = (x circle / width)
clong = cos[long]
slong = sin[long]
for y = 0 to (height-1) step resample
sy = y / resample
lat = ((height - y) / height) 180 deg - 90 deg
clat = cos[lat]
slat = sin[lat]
h = img.getPixelGrayInt[x,y]
rh = (filebaseradius + h * 1/2 m * (2^16 / 256) * exaggeration) scale
highX = rh clat clong
highY = rh clat slong
highZ = rh slat
rl = baseRadius
lowX = rl clat clong
lowY = rl clat slong
lowZ = rl slat
// println["rl is $rl, rh is " + (rh res)]
v.addAlongLine[tool, round[lowX], round[lowY], round[lowZ],
round[highX res], round[highY res], round[highZ res],
0, 0, 0]
filename = "moon3DSolid.obj"
print["Writing $filename..."]
w = new Writer[filename]
w.println[v.toObjFormat["moon3dsolid", 1/(res mm)]]
Download or view moon3DSolid.frink in plain text format
This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink
Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.
Alan Eliasen was born 20266 days, 19 hours, 40 minutes ago.