
Download or view YCbCr.frink in plain text format

// Demonstration and test of solving systems of equations.

use Solver.frink

// Inverting the YCbCr equations.  (Luminance/Chrominance.)
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr
ycbcr = new Solver[[ Y === 0.299 R + 0.587 G + 0.114 B,
                     Cr === 0.500 R - 0.419 G - 0.081 B,
                     Cb === -0.169 R - 0.331 G + 0.500 B],

println["All solutions:"]
println[join["\n", ycbcr.solveAll[]]]
println[join["\n", ycbcr.solveFor["R"]]]
println[join["\n", ycbcr.solveFor["G"]]]
println[join["\n", ycbcr.solveFor["B"]]]

Download or view YCbCr.frink in plain text format

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Alan Eliasen was born 20065 days, 6 hours, 52 minutes ago.