Time: AD 2024-12-12 AM 04:43:33.512 (Thu) Mountain Standard Time
From latitude 39.5856° N, longitude 104.89598° W:
The sun is located 27.6343° below the horizon (rising)
True compass bearing:
On date 2024-12-12:
Astronomical twilight begins | 05:34:32 AM MST | ||
Nautical twilight begins | 06:07:16 AM MST | ||
Civil twilight begins | 06:41:03 AM MST | ||
Sunrise | 07:10:57 AM MST | (in 2 hours, 27 min, 24 sec) | at bearing 119.8062° |
Transit | 11:53:38 AM MST | (in 7 hours, 10 min, 5 sec) | at altitude 27.2925° |
Daylight duration | 9 hours, 25 minutes, 16 seconds | ||
Sunset | 04:36:13 PM MST | (in 11 hours, 52 min, 40 sec) | at bearing 240.1577° |
Civil twilight ends | 05:06:07 PM MST | ||
Nautical twilight ends | 05:39:54 PM MST | ||
Astronomical twilight ends | 06:12:39 PM MST |
View source of This FSP page or the astronomical library used by this code. Also see the moon locator.
Alan Eliasen was born 20203 days, 11 hours, 50 minutes ago.
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