
Download or view undocumentedFunctions.frink in plain text format

/** This program lists the functions available in a Frink executable and
    compares it to the functions documented in the official Frink
    documentation. */

docs = read["https://frinklang.org/"]

for f = lexicalSort[functions[]]
   [truncFunc] = f =~ %r/([^\[]*)/
   regex = regex[truncFunc + "\\["]
//   println["regex is $regex"]
   if docs =~ regex
      // Fully matched with brackets
   } else
      regex = regex[truncFunc]
      if docs =~ regex
         println["Matched (without brackets) $f"]
         println["Unmatched $f"]

Download or view undocumentedFunctions.frink in plain text format

This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.

Alan Eliasen was born 20152 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes ago.