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// Minimal data structure to hold information about a person.
class AddressData
   var name
   var address
   var fullLine

   // Array of dates of postings.
   var postings = new array

   addPosting[date] := postings.push[date]

   numPostings[] := length[postings]

files = ["file:///C:/Documents and Settings/eliasen/Application Data/Mozilla/Profiles/"]

// Key is email address (lowercased)
// Value is an AddressData object.
addresses = new dict[]

// Array containing hour in day
hours = new array
for hour=0 to 23
   hours@hour = 0

// Array containing day in week
days = new array
for day=0 to 6
   days@day = 0

dayshours = new array
for day=0 to 6
   dayshours@day = new array
   for hour = 0 to 23
      dayshours@day@hour = 0

daynames = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]

// Mozilla date format
### MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy ###

for file files
   headermode = false
   for line = lines[file]
      if (! headermode)
         // Look for start of a new message.
         if [dateStr] = line =~ %r/^From - \w{3} (\w{3} \d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \d{4})/
            headermode = true
            date = parseDate[dateStr]
//          println[date]

      // Inside a header
      if (headermode)
         if (line =~ %r/^\s*$/)  // Blank line means end of headers
            headermode = false

         // Look for sender's name
         if [fullAddress] = line =~ %r/^From:\s+(.*)/
            if [name, address] = fullAddress =~ %r/(.*)\s*<(.*)>/
               name =~ %s/"(.*)"/$1/   // Remove quotes
            } else
               if [address] = fullAddress =~ %r/^(\S+)\s*$/
                  name = ""
                  println["UNMATCHED: $fullAddress"]

            address = lc[address]
            if (addresses@address != undef)
               // Address already exists
               addrObj = addresses@address
            } else
               // New address
               // println["$name\t$address"]
               addrObj = new AddressData[]
               addrObj.address = address
      = name
               addrObj.fullLine = fullAddress
               addresses@address = addrObj

            hourOfDay = (date - #2000-01-02 00:00#) mod day div hour
            dayOfWeek = (date - #2000-01-02 00:00#) mod week div day

            hours@hourOfDay = hours@hourOfDay + 1
            days@dayOfWeek = days@dayOfWeek + 1
            dayshours@dayOfWeek@hourOfDay = dayshours@dayOfWeek@hourOfDay + 1

// Sort the array
for [key, val] sort[addresses, { |a,b| (a@1).numPostings[] <=> (b@1).numPostings[]} ]
   println[key + "\t" + + "\t" + val.numPostings[]]

println["\nHours of day:"]

// Array containing hour in day
for hour = 0 to 23
   println[hour + "\t" + hours@hour]

println["\nDays of week:"]
// Array containing hour in day
for day = 0 to 6
   println[daynames@day + "\t" + days@day]

println["\nDays and hours:"]

for day = 0 to 6
   print["\t" + daynames@day]

for hour = 0 to 23
   for day = 0 to 6
      print[dayshours@day@hour + "\t"]

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This is a program written in the programming language Frink.
For more information, view the Frink Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.

Alan Eliasen was born 20152 days, 17 hours, 18 minutes ago.