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/** This is a test of the screwThreads.frink library to make screw threads for
3-d printing.
This test creates a male and female garden hose fitting with threads
as defined by the standard ASME B1.20.8-1991 (reaffirmed 1998).
use screwThreads.frink
res = 254/inch
pitch = inch/11.5
//minorRadius = 0.9495 in / 2
threadHeight = .05648 in
// Male minor radius. This is the average of the allowed min and max pitch
// diameter (table 2) minus half the thread height.
minorRadius = (1.0060+0.9975) in /2 / 2 - threadHeight/2
turns = 4.25
pilot = 1/8 in - pitch/2
// Female major radius
// This is the average of the allowed min and max pitch
// diameter (table 3) minus half the thread height.
femaleRadius = (1.0160 + 1.0245) in / 2 / 2 - threadHeight/2
println["threadHeight is " + format[threadHeight, "mm", 2]]
println["minorDiameter is " + format[2 minorRadius, "in", 4]]
println["majorDiameter is " + format[2 minorRadius + 2 threadHeight, "in", 4]]
println["femaleDiameter is " + format[2 femaleRadius + 2 threadHeight, "in", 4]]
println["gap is " + format[femaleRadius - minorRadius, "mm", 2]]
tool = makeDoubleConeTool[pitch/2, threadHeight, res]
maleThread = makeThreads[minorRadius, pitch, 0 deg, turns * 2 pi, 0, tool, res]
malePipeOuter = callJava["", "makeCylinder", [0,0,-1/4 in res,0,0,(turns pitch + pilot) res, minorRadius res]]
malePipeInner = callJava["", "makeCylinder", [0,0,-1/4 in res,0,0,(turns pitch + pilot) res, (minorRadius-2.4 mm) res]]
male = maleThread.union[malePipeOuter]
femaleThread = makeThreads[femaleRadius, pitch, 0 deg, (turns+1) * 2 pi, 0, tool, res]
femalePipeOuter = callJava["", "makeCylinder", [0,0,-1/4 in res,0,0,(turns pitch) res, (femaleRadius + 2.4 mm) res]]
femalePipeInner = callJava["", "makeCylinder", [0,0,-1/4 in res,0,0,(turns pitch) res, femaleRadius res]]
female = femalePipeOuter
filename = "screwThreadsMale.obj"
print["Writing $filename..."]
w = new Writer[filename]
w.println[male.toObjFormat["male", 1/(res mm)]]
filename = "screwThreadsFemale.obj"
print["Writing $filename..."]
w = new Writer[filename]
w.println[female.toObjFormat["female", 1/(res mm)]]
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For more information, view the Frink
Documentation or see More Sample Frink Programs.
Alan Eliasen was born 20117 days, 22 hours, 22 minutes ago.