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// Digest my webserver log and find calculations that were made by Frink.
// I use this to improve calculations, provide hints, and remove common
// sources of misunderstandings in calculations.
logfile = "file:///var/log/httpd/ssl_access_log"
// Apache logfile date format
### dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss ###
for line = lines[logfile]
if [ip, x1, x2, date, req, res, bytes, ref, browser] = line =~ %r/
if [method, URL, ver] = req =~ %r/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/
[path, query] = URL =~ %r/([^?]*)\??(.*)/
if ! (path =~ %r/frink.fsp/)
if query
argPairs = split[%r/&/, query]
for arg = argPairs
[name, value] = arg =~ %r/(.*?)=(.*)/
if (value)
value =~ %s/\+/ /g
value =~ %s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/char[parseInt[$1,16]]/ge
} //else
// println["Bad request: $req"]
} //else
// println["Unmatched: $line"]
Download or view frinklog.frink in plain text format
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Alan Eliasen was born 20115 days, 6 hours, 18 minutes ago.