
Download or view Sneaky2.frink in plain text format

// Program to solve "Sneaky #2" geocache (GCC471)

use Maidenhead.frink

m = "DM79OM"

[latS, longW, latN, longE] = MaidenheadToLatLong[m]
println[MaidenheadToLatLong[m] -> degrees

// The cache is located 0.095 minutes north and 1.038 minutes west of the
// southeast corner.
lat = latS + 0.095 arcmin
long = longE - 1.038 arcmin

println["latS = " + (latS -> "degrees")]
println["longE = " + (longE -> "degrees")]

println["The cache is at: "]
println["Latitude: " + format[lat, "degrees", 5]]
println["Longitude: " + format[long, "degrees", 5]]

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Alan Eliasen was born 20065 days, 7 hours, 7 minutes ago.