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// Utilities for HTML manipulation.
/* This encodes strings safely for HTML (unless it's going in a tag parameter,
in which case you should use HTMLEncodeQuoted below.) */
HTMLEncode[line] :=
if ! line
return ""
line = toString[line]
line =~ %s/&/&/g;
line =~ %s/</</g;
line =~ %s/>/>/g;
return line
/* This encodes strings safely for HTML, including the case where it's going
into a quoted tag parameter. This is usually always safer and better. */
HTMLEncodeQuoted[line] :=
if ! line
return ""
line = toString[line]
line = HTMLEncode[line];
line =~ %s/"/"/g;
// line =~ %s/\\u/\\\\u/g;
return line
// Make the <OPTIONS> tags for an HTML <SELECT> list, with the specified
// item selected.
// makeselect[list, selected]
makeSelect[list, selected] :=
for [name, val] list
if (val != undef) // Has value
vs = "$val" // Coerce to string
valStr = (val != undef) ? " VALUE=\"" + HTMLEncode[vs] + "\"" : ""
sel = (vs == selected ? " SELECTED" : "")
} else
sel = (name == selected ? " SELECTED" : "")
println[" <OPTION$valStr$sel>" + HTMLEncode["$name"]]
// Format a Frink expression into a prettier HTML equivalent.
formatExpression[expr] :=
expr =~ %s/\+(\s*)\-1\s+/-$1/g // "+ -1" goes to "-"
expr =~ %s/\+(\s*)\-/-$1/g // "+ -" goes to "-"
// expr =~ %s/\((\s*)\-1\s+([^+])/(-$1$2/g
// "(-1 " goes to "(-" unless followed by +
expr =~ %s/\^([\/\d\w\.\-]+(?:\[[^\]]?\])?)/<SUP>$1<\/SUP>/g // Draw superscripts for integers and floating-point numbers.
return expr
// Format an expression using some symbolic rules.
formatExpressionSymbolic[expr] :=
expr = formatExpression[expr]
return removeApproximations[expr]
// Remove approximations
removeApproximations[expr] :=
expr =~ %s/\s*\((approx\.|exactly).*?\)//g
return expr
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Alan Eliasen was born 20117 days, 23 hours, 38 minutes ago.