// Program to calculate sun alignments with the focus of the Wynn hotel // in Las Vegas. use sun.frink North = +1 South = -1 West = +1 East = -1 lat = 36.12815 degrees North long = 115.16615 degrees West // Approximate direction of the focus (pretty close to due west) axis = (177.86 + 90) degrees // Conversion to coordinate system used by Meeus axisMeeus = (axis + 180 degrees) mod circle date = beginningOfYear[now[]] enddate = beginningOfYearPlus[now[], 2] dateOut = ### yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss a zzz ### sep = "\t" while (date <= enddate) { date = sunSecantAzimuth[date, lat, long, axisMeeus] [azimuth, altitude] = refractedSunAzimuthAltitude[date, lat, long] print[(date -> [dateOut, "Pacific"]) + "$sep"] print[formatFix[JD[date],day,5] + "$sep"] print[format[altitude,degrees,2] + "$sep"] radiusAngle = sunRadiusAngle[date] println[] date = date + 1 day }