// A program from Mad Magazine, 1985. // https://atariprojects.org/2018/09/11/mad-magazine-basic-program-10-15-min/s // https://forums.atariage.com/topic/20395-mad-magazines-computer-program/ use lineWrapper.frink r = read["https://forums.atariage.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=300452"] full = new array // Read the DATA blocks from the binary BASIC file and turn them into a clean // array for [data] = r =~ %r/([\-\d, ]{8,})/g full.pushAll[eval[split[",", data]]] // Pretty-print all the coordinates println[wrap[join[", ", full],78]] g = new graphics g.stroke[1.2] w = g.show[] for i=0 to length[full]-1 step 4 { [x1, y1, x2, y2] = sliceLength[full, i, 4] if x1 != 999 g.line[x1,-y1,x2,-y2] sleep[0.1 s] w.replaceGraphics[g] } // Write the image to a file (letting it scale height appropriately.) g.write["madplot.png", 1000, undef]