/** This is a very simple demonstration program that shows the basics of calculating the Julia set and displaying it as graphics. */ // Pick a complex number for a starting point C = 0.3 + .1i // Maximum levels for each pixel. levels = 60 // Create a random color for each level. colors = new array[[levels]] for a = 0 to levels-1 colors@a = new color[randomFloat[0,1], randomFloat[0,1], randomFloat[0,1]] // Make this number smaller for higher resolution. stepsize = .005 g = new graphics g.antialiased[false] for im = -1.8 to 1.8 step stepsize { imag = i * im for real = -1.8 to 1.8 step stepsize { z = real + imag count = -1 do { z = z^2 + C count=count+1; az = abs[z] } while az < 4 and az > 1e-200 and count < levels g.color[colors@((count-1) mod levels)] g.fillRectSize[real, im, stepsize, stepsize] } } g.show[]